This 5-1/2 hour course will take your through the various components of understanding what your palms may reveal about Your Journey. It is a map - a 'God's Map' we all uniquely carry which leads and navigates us through Life. ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR A TOOL FOR SELF-IMPROVEMENT AND A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF WHERE YOU ARE HEADING? _____________________________________________________________ LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS - MARRIAGE & CHILDREN - CAREER & WEALTH and CHALLENGES WE CAN OVERCOME IF WE KNOW ABOUT THEM.. _____________________________________________________________ $150 _____________________________________________________________ When all the major lines are understood, - all the mounts are understood, and of course we got the hand shapes and the fingers down, this is where when go into the various marks and signs that we can find in then palm.. We will also get into the minor lines which we call branches and it's all about looking at where they originate which direction they are heading: are they clear, wavy or broken lines - some broken and in need of mending? We have to learn all of this so that we can see this road map.
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